We left Walmart an hour later with a cart full of interesting items. The most interesting item to me is our new digital camera! I'm a scrapbooking girl, and just wasn't sure I'd ever want a digital camera. I like my hard copies. However, I learned that I can take a ton of pictures, email them to Walmart, and pick them up an hour later! How cool is that?! Anyway, we bought a nifty little digital camera that I'm learning to play with. Below you will find the very first pictures taken with our new camera.

Also, as I mentioned in another post, the girls painted a jewelry box given to them by a cousin at Christmas. Here's the finished product.

It was a fun weekend. In addition to these crafts, B is learning to use her sewing machine. We've faced several technical difficulties with it, but as soon as she's able to finish a project, we'll post a picture of it. They also used their airbrush tatoos this weekend and sported some fancy body art! Thanks to Turp, Laddie, Raye, Doc, and Boo!
I've experienced that phenomena many times - going into a store for ONE (or two or three) item, and emerging an hour later with a buggy-full. Sounds like a fun weekend.
I remember hubby going to WalMart one time just needing a pair of fingernail clippers.....he left with the clippers and about $200 worth of other stuff!!!
Your girls are so precious and talented.
Sorry....I forgot to change back to MY name. I had been doing something on Warren's blog.
Wow! They (and you) wrung the most out of your last few days of vacation! The jewelry and bedazzling look good - and the girls look older!
What beautiful models!! It looks like y'all had a great time.
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